I developed a craving for cum early on. Like most high school girls, my initial interactions with cum were less than perfect. It often came early or expectantly. I didn’t know what to do with it. The intense flavor took some time to get used to it. The texture grossed me out. I immediately wanted to wipe it off of me with a tissue or take a shower.
However, it wasn’t long before I started to feel differently about it. I saw how guy’s reacted when I swallowed their cum or how they looked at me after they had deposited their cum on my stomach. That alone made me want to do it again and I started to like the taste of cum and the feeling of it on my skin. It made me feel so sexy to enjoy something that I knew the guys liked and that other girls didn’t like. Okay, maybe the word isn’t sex. It made me feel slutty or dirty and that’s a feeling a I’ve grown to love.
My first facial was an accident. In the middle of a blowjob, I let go of his cock for a second so I could change positions. Without warning his cock exploded, shooting cum all over the side of my face, chin and neck. It took me by surprise. I wasn’t that kind of girl that let men cum on her. Or so I thought. However, I had to admit that I liked it. I liked the feel of the cum hitting my face and his reaction…once he saw that I wasn’t upset.
For the first few years, sperm never came in me. The guy either wore a condom or pulled out (Yes, I know that doesn’t prevent precum, but I was young and naive then…okay.). I’ll never forgot my first time where the guy didn’t wear a condom and didn’t pull out. I loved the feeling of the warm wetness flowing deep into me. It felt so much more satisfying. The guy definitely enjoyed it more. Sure there were a lot of risks and things that could go wrong, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to do it again.
Now, I crave cum. I need the taste almost like I need my coffee. I love the feeling of cum hitting the back of my throat or covering my face. I love the look of it splattered across my chest or shot on to my stomach. There are times when I let men I’ve just met cum inside me. I’m a cum slut.